
Batman: The Brave & The Bold

If you haven't had the fortune to catch this show yet, you are missing out. I stumbled across it, actually, while trying to find out what time Star Wars: The Clone Wars was airing for my son. This show smacks the Jar Jar out of SWTCW and I'd say it rivals Batman The Animated Series for coolness. Each week, The Caped Crusader teams up with a lesser known DC superhero to kick butt, similar to the old DC team-up comics I used to love. The episode featuring the origin of Plasticman was really good, and the Christmas episode with Red Tornado was a hoot. It's a series that looks great, sounds great, and is extremely welll written. This week's episode airs this Friday at 8:00 on Cartoon Network and features Wil Wheaton as the Blue Beetle. This clip gives a pretty good idea of what the show is like....

The preview, by the way, was nicked from Wheaton's often humorous blog, which he nicked from Comicmix.

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