01. Song that gives you the chills/heebie jeebies: KATE BUSH/Under Ice. For my money, one of the scariest songs ever written.
02. Favorite use of song in a film: LOU REED/Perfect Day. In which Renton OD's in Trainspotting.
03. Favorite instrumental: KRONOS QUARTET/Marquee Moon. Desert island or otherwise, this Kronos Quartet version of the Television classic is brilliant.
04. Favorite song by someone principally known as an actor: EWAN McGREGOR/Your Song. Props also go to Nicole Kidman for belting it out in Moulin Rouge.
05. Favorite song about fire or burning: MC 900 FT JESUS/The City Sleeps. In which we get inside the head of a pyromaniac.
06. A song from the year of your birth: SMOKEY ROBINSON & THE MIRACLES/The Tears Of A Clown. 1970.
07. A song you wish you had written: MY BLOODY VALENTINE/Soon. A song ahead of it's time from an album ahead of it's time by a band ahead of it's time. I envy the vision it took to come up with this masterpiece.
08. Favorite non-love related song you would undoubtedly put on a mixtape for a crush/loved one: THE SMITHS/Cemetry Gates. Witty lyrics from Morrissey and a great guitar line from Marr, I actually used this as a way to introduce The Smiths to my wife many moons ago.
09. In space: BLUR/Far Out. "I spy in the night sky, don't I...." And Alex gets the lead vocal credit.
10. A song with a really clever title: PHISH/Frankie Says. The chorus beginning with "Relax."
11. A song that uses elements of another song without directly sampling the piece of music: TALKING HEADS/Stay Up Late. Features the opening line of "Ain't Too Proud To Beg." The story I was told (way back when) is that David Byrne included it as a dig against the Rolling Stones' version of the song. Anybody else heard that?
12. A song that makes no sense to you: STEVEN JESSE BERNSTEIN/This Clouded Heart. Still scratching my head.
13. A track from an artist you learned about from another ZeRO mixer: THE LUCKSMITHS/There Is A Boy Who Never Goes Out. From sammyg123's AOTM-era Art Of The Moz. A phenomenal mix from a phenomenal mixer.
14. A song with a color in the title: MISS SHIRLEY BASSEY/Goldfinger. "Do you expect me to talk?" "No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die." Flawless.
15. A song with a country or city in the title: MORCHEEBA/Sao Paulo. I'd say this qualifies.
16. A song about a political figure: THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS/Tippecanoe And Tyler Too. This qualifies as well.
17. A favorite song from a past mix which you've posted: SUGARCUBES/Hit. In which our hero fell in love with Bjork. I've used this song at least three times on AOTM/Mesh-era mixes, and may just have to use it again....
18. A song for your funeral: THE ENGLISH BEAT/Ackee 1-2-3. Special Beat Service, and this song, in particular, were rainy day blues cure for a friend and me during college. I'd like to think it could cheer people up when I shake off this mortal coil.
19. A song you wish was written for/about you: CRACKER/Don't F*** Me Up (with peace and love). "I am the game warden of love/ 'til someone took away my gin and tonic." Truer words were never written....
20. A WTF moment, a song that stopped you in your tracks and made you really listen: WILCO/Sunken Treasure. I saw Wilco in '96 in Louisville, before the release of Being There. The band opened with this song and I realized that Jeff Tweedy and Co. were leaving Uncle Tupelo far, far behind....