D'you know, all that time I was dotty I had the most awful dreams. I thought we were all driving round and round in a motor race and none of us could stop, and there was an enormous audience composed entirely of gossip writers and gate crashers and Archie Schwert and people like that, all shouting at us at once to go faster and faster, and car after car kept crashing until I was left alone driving and driving--and then I used to crash and wake up.
—Evelyn Waugh, Vile Bodies
Another one of those mixes which bears very little resemblance to the early drafts. Of the twenty songs included, only the Oysterhead, Jeff Buckley, and Gomez survived from the outset (although I actually debated between a few other Jeff Buckley songs, as well as which version of "Nightmares" to use). The good fortune of this is that the final mix turned out really well (in my opinion) and I've got a bounty of songs that "didn't make the cut" to use for a follow-up sometime. As for some of the songs which did make the cut....
"Girlfriend" is an all-time favorite that I've been wanting to use again for a long time. Even though Gomez's "Airstream Driver" has been in the mix from the beginning, I couldn't resist adding the Red Red Meat track as well after I got my hands on it (thank you, eMusic free trial). The Gomez song isn't a cover, rather it uses elements of another song without directly sampling the piece of music (e.g. riffs, vocal phrases, drum beats), if someone from ZeRO were so inclined to need something of that sort around the end of this month. Yes, it's that Steve Burns: being a Dad may mean I miss out on a lot of music, but it also lets me in on some that I wouldn't have searched out otherwise. Actually, the Wilco song fits in that category, as well, as it's featured in the closing credits of the Spongebob movie. The Posies' Dear 23 is a tremendously under-rated album from the early 90's that deserves a re-listen (IMHO, of course). Hula Hoop were active in and around Louisville (and elsewhere) in the early 90's and feature Rachel Grimes (of Rachel's) on bass. I heard the GBV song used on the TV show Samantha Who? last year and have been aching to use it since. And, despite it being eight years old, I just heard The Notwist song while putting this together and I was immediately hooked. The title, by the way, is from the Red Red Meat/Gomez songs and, in regards to a recent forum discussion about whether the title or playlist came first, the title came first.... NW006.
02. Pseudo Suicide/OYSTERHEAD
03. Damaged Goods/GANG OF FOUR
04. Airstream Driver/RED RED MEAT
05. Pictures Of Matchstick Men/CAMPER VAN BEETHOVEN
06. Superstrings/STEVE BURNS
07. Feeling No Pain/JOSH ROUSE
08. Just A Kid/WILCO
09. Here To Fall/YO LA TENGO
10. The New Face Of Zero And One/THE NEW PORNOGRAPHERS
12. Nightmares By The Sea/JEFF BUCKLEY
13. From A Balance Beam/BRIGHT EYES
14. 14 Shades Of Green/CHRIS STAMEY
15. Help Yourself/THE POSIES
16. 16 Horses/SOUL COUGHING
17. Spider/HULA HOOP
18. I Am A Scientist/GUIDED BY VOICES
19. One With The Freaks/THE NOTWIST
20. Airstream Driver/GOMEZ
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